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Showing posts from January, 2017

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War and Peace

(Wrote this a long time ago in 2012. Still relevant)  Once in a distant land, two brothers were seen, Like twin nations, but with a boundary of ego in between. When asked to come to peace, they'd say ''He's not my brother'' With fiery swords, one wanted to behead the other. For peace to be, the only choice was to let them stay apart Soon, they demarcated land and constructed huge walls between their hearts. As years rolled by, onlookers waited for love to creep across the walls, Instead, the brothers kept on throwing stones at each other's houses, unaware that their houses were made of glass. Both followed different religions and raised their own flags above sanity, Unaware, that one thing is far above religion - and that's humanity. When onlookers would ask, where the problem in unison lies, They would be dismissed as if they were too innocent to realise. One night, a rampant fire spread            Destroying both their cattle, it brou...

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